District Council and Hertfordshire County Council
Role of District Council and Hertfordshire County Council - regarding sustainability and recycling in particular. Thursday 30 September at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall Julie Greaves (Head of Sustainability/Sustainable Hertfordshire/Environment and Infrastructure Dept...
The Sarratt Horti Autumn Show
The Sarratt Horti Autumn Show is back (government guidelines permitting!). The Show is on Saturday 4th September and is open to all from 2.30 pm to view the amazing flowers, vegetables, cooking, flower arranging, arts & crafts and children classes in the village...
Pop Up Cafe Success
Pop Up Community Cafe Thank you to everyone who popped in to the Community Cafe yesterday. Thank you to the exhibitors whose artistry cheered us all. The cakes were incredible and not a cake in sight by the end!! We look forward to welcoming you all again in...
Pints of View
The next get-together of Pints of View will be in the courtyard marquee of The Plough, Belsize, this coming Monday, 16 August, starting at 8pm. Bob & I hope you will be able to join us then. The evening's topic will be ‘How Democratic is the UK Today?’ Our...
Community Garden Open evening
The Community garden is having an open evening. Open to all starting at 6.00 pm this evening and open till 8:00 pm - do come along and see how it has grown. Fun and flowers with a live jazz group and bar! What more could you wish for a on a nice summer’s evening. We...
Pop Up Community Cafe
At last we can meet again!!! Pop Up Community Cafe IS happening in August. Monday the 9th from 2:00 pm till 4:30 pm. We cannot wait to see you again. In the Village Hall Joining us will be Sonya and her Flamingo paperie cards ...
Pints of View
Pints of View - The Plough Pub in Belsize All being well, Pints of View will meet at the Plough, Belsize, on Monday 19th July at 8pm. Everyone is welcome. Come and consider how the world can be put to rights. Bob and John.
KGV park and proposed new equipment
The official community meeting was held on the 9th of July in the KGV hall. There were two meetings in order to host everyone within restrictions. If you would like to read the minutes then do please click on the link. Minutes were taken by Caroline Owen the Sarratt...
Congratulations !! 10th Anniversary Sarratt Community Store
The Sarratt Community store and Post Office celebrate their 10th Anniversary today !! It is ten years today that the Sarratt store and Post Office became a Community store! Happy Anniversary! An incredible journey that has been very fruitful indeed. Where did those...
KGV Proposed project – New Date and Venue
Community meeting Friday the 9th July in the KGV hall . The community meeting for the proposed KGV skatepark. KGV Alive Proposal Public Meeting Venue KGV Pavilion, George V Way, Sarratt 6pm (first meeting) 7:30pm (second meeting) Agenda Covid Notice/Housekeeping...