The River Chess – Pollution solutions …

The River Chess – Pollution solutions …

Interesting timing of this press release!! The day of our Community meeting to address these issues! Good News!!   Press Release River Chess Association Established 2009 Affinity Announces turning off the Pumps Affinity Water have ended abstraction from their two...

Our River Chess – Pollution and Solution

Our River Chess – Pollution and Solution

I am pleased to announce that the Sustainability director of Thames Water has agreed to attend a public meeting to be held in the village hall on the evening of Friday 25 September at 7.00. Also Phil Williams (Three Rivers Councillor responsible for environmental...

Top tips for your September garden

Top tips for your September garden

Hello! Now September is with us keep picking and preserving (freeze, bottle, jam, etc.) all the delicious products you grew during the year. As the plants go over, dig up and burn any infected ones, the rest go into the compost bin. Keep making layers of grass and...

August top tips for the garden …

August top tips for the garden …

August is usually the lie back and enjoy month in the garden. This year however most crops are ready for picking and storing, even blackberries are ready!    Should make for an easier Winter though. If you have not completed summer pruning, cut all leaders back by...

Flowers at Chenies Manor

Flowers at Chenies Manor

 Chenies Manor House update. We are hard at work with preparations at Chenies Manor House and aim to open our Gardens in mid-July. The exact date is yet to be confirmed, so please keep your eyes open for details on our website  and...

July in your Garden

July in your Garden

2020 continues to throw surprises at us, almost unknown to have cherries, pea’s, broad beans, redcurrants and more all in fine form and taste at the end of June.  Lovely, but the freezer is already getting full. So what to do in July?   Keep picking and eating and...

The River Chess needs more people to be involved.

The River Chess needs more people to be involved.

When will this polluting STOP?  June 2020 To those with the ability to make a difference, I am writing to you out of deep concern for the health of the beautiful River Chess. I have been appalled to discover that under certain circumstances the sewage at the Chesham...

Sustainability Sarratt

Sustainability Sarratt

Sustainability Sarratt River Chess Barnaby Jackson has been following the issues of untreated sewage in our local river – The Chess. Just to remind everyone, the sewage problem arises from the treatment plant in Chesham which gets over whelmed with rain water, foul...