Top tips this month !

Top tips this month !

What a wonderful Spring so far, but as usual a sting in the tail, it gets cold at night with even a light frost so do not plant or sow Runner bean/French beans, courgettes etc until at least early May. Start them off in pots but take them in when cold nights threaten....

Sustainability in Sarratt

Sustainability in Sarratt

Like all the other groups in Sarratt and elsewhere the new Sustainability Sarratt group has had to cease its meetings. However we have not gone into total hibernation.  It is planned to continue by email and Zoom meanwhile members are providing some really...

Gardens and April

Gardens and April

The old saying that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Not a bad comment for this year. As far as garden work goes, this is the month when practically anything can be sown outside that is of a hardy nature, perhaps wait till the end of April for...

Nature notes from greenish fingers

Nature notes from greenish fingers

Usually February is a dull and quiet month, not this year!  However, not all bad news, the rain has filled up the water table and rivers, so we can look forward to a quick start to Spring, hopefully.  A not so good side effect of heavy rain is that it will wash out...

February Garden hints

February Garden hints

February sucks….. well, the enthusiasm for outdoor gardening at least.  It’s an odd month, not really deep winter, hardly early spring but if there are a few bright days, get out and complete any winter jobs such as pruning and preparing for the real spring.  Take...

So, where to start in the garden?

So, where to start in the garden?

The early part of the year is the time to prepare your garden. If the weather is not good, you can do things from your armchair, for example, planning your vegetable patch and ordering seeds and plants online so you are ready for the better weather. January is the...

New Nature Blog

New Nature Blog

  Living in an area of outstanding natural beauty really does give us something to smile about. As the seasons change so will this nature blog.