Community Garden

Community Garden

Community Garden There isn’t a huge amount to report since the last update, it being wintery, cold and wet, but a few things have progressed: bulbs that were nestled under fruit bushes and in the courtyard beds are all pushing up strongly, giving us a much needed shot...



SARRATT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN UPDATE Because of the current COVID restrictions, unsurprisingly, we are unable to proceed with the crucial stage of the holding public consultations. Our next committee meeting will be held in April with a view to organising these...

Sarratt Care latest update 2021

Sarratt Care latest update 2021

Sarratt Care Caring for the community of Sarratt SARRATT CARE, an entirely voluntary organization, was launched in 1991 to give a helping hand to the people of Sarratt of all ages, well or infirm. It has grown from small beginnings to currently having over 110 regular...

February garden tips…

February garden tips…

February usually sees the first signs of spring, Snowdrops beginning to open, some early crocus and daffodils pushing through the soil and perhaps warm days and Sunshine???   So, what to do? ...  find the wellies and clear up after the floods and wind. Very early...

Walking ….

Walking ….

We are very lucky to have many wonderful walks where we live. In the header of this page you can click on 'Local Walks' and follow the path of those who have gone before. Who knows what natural delights you will see as you stroll through the countryside.  Maybe take...

Spotlight is Out !

Spotlight is Out !

February's Issue of Spotlight is ready to read.  Could you be the new Editor of Spotlight? Or perhaps you know the perfect person who could be and just needs a prod in the right direction!! Spotlight can be read here online and if needed, paper copies are in the...

Minds@Work HIVE

Minds@Work HIVE

Join Us - Together with other leaders of small and medium-sized businesses, you will be supported to make a meaningful change to improve your wellbeing at work and at home. Beginning  February - March  we will meet virtually every fortnight from 7-9pm. There will be 7...

Be Part of the Solution – Volunteers needed

Be Part of the Solution – Volunteers needed

The enormous task of delivering the vaccination programme is being described as the greatest logistical challenge we have ever faced in peacetime. To support the delivery, the NHS staff are seeking volunteers to carry out a number of non-medical tasks. COVID-19...