Simple and stunning…
Thank you to Chris Smith for sharing this amazing photo with us. It could almost be a Sarratt rainbow bubble.
Armistice Day 2020, Remembering them …
Commemorating the heroes who lost their lives serving their country. Today on Sarratt Green at the war memorial, with the flag at half mast, Sarratt came together to remember the sacrifice of those who have died in war. The siren started the two minute silence and...
Super sewing …..
I started making masks during the first lockdown when I found a box of materials. I then found interlining as they need three layers and elastic. Friends donated both elastic and bits of material. The good news is they are washable. At first they were in Sarratt...
Remembering them ….
We may not congregate. Due to the current Covid restrictions, we are unable to hold the normal Remembrance Day service at the war memorial on the Sarratt Green on Wednesday 11th November. However, the siren will be sounded at 11 am to mark the start and end of the 2...
Meet Our New Junior Journalists
Introducing our Junior Journalists this year from Sarratt School: Ava - "Hi, my name is Ava. I always try to make space in my day to write about what I did, even if it's just a couple of sentences. So, I am looking forward to writing a blog for the people who want to...
November Garden Tips….
Ahh, November, nothing more to do in the garden, just pull up the chair and read all the gardening books you bought during lockdown but never read. Far from it, there is still time to plant Tulips, even Daffodils ,clear out the pond, one can go on and on. With the...
Spotlight is ready to read … Welcome November!
November Spotlight is here online and ready to read. Just click on Spotlight in the header of this page!
Stress & WellBeing Summit 2020 from ISMA
ISMA STRESS & WELLBEING SUMMIT 2020 GENERAL Posts & TWEETS ISMAUK Online Global Stress and Wellbeing Summit takes place from 2nd - 6th of November 2020 with over 50 world-class speakers including Alastair Campbell, Lord Mark Price, Dr Marilyn Glenville and...
Project to benefit All
SARRATT COMMUNITY GARDEN The garden behind the shop is a big space which has been used for very different purposes over the years. Given the central role the shop plays in village life we have put together a small group who wish to create a Community Garden. This will...
Sarratt Parakeets….
Just recently, in fact the last few days a new flock has been swooping and screeching over the fields and trees of the Church end of Church lane. They are pretty and fun to watch but I thought they lived in Hampstead! It seems Sarratt is now the new place to fly. I...