Laundry bags for NHS workers – Sarratt’s response
Laundry bags for NHS workers – Sarratt’s response It is unlikely as you read this that there is a spare pillow case to be begged, stolen or borrowed in Sarratt. Every last one has been donated to our village volunteer sewing team to make urgently needed laundry bags...
Kind neighbours open their gate so we can all enjoy the Bluebells!
When we are living through such challenging times it is important to help ourselves stay calm and well. Walking in nature is proven to be a very good tonic for our mental well being. The sweet sound of the birds seems louder than ever, it is as if the birds are...
Village Day for 2020 Postponed
It does seem very unlikely at this point in time that we could hold a big social gathering on the green, so the lovely Sarratt village day will have to be saved for another day .
Home Care advice
What I have seen a lot of are recommendations for how to try to avoid getting coronavirus in the first place -- good hand washing, personal hygiene and social distancing -- but what I have NOT seen a lot of is advice for what happens if you actually get it, which many...
Sunday stroll to pick some nettles and make some soup?
Stinging nettle soup I made this rather huge pot of soup as now is the best time to eat stinging nettle. I'm lucky enough to live by a big private field where the nettles are happily growing far away from any pollution. I pick up only the top bit from the stinging...
VE – Day 75th Anniversary Commemorations Update
We had hoped, as a community, to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day, on 8 May and plans were far-advanced to do this. However, with regret, I must advise that the government has decided that, because of the Coronavirus pandemic, outside, public commemorations...
Gardens and April
The old saying that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Not a bad comment for this year. As far as garden work goes, this is the month when practically anything can be sown outside that is of a hardy nature, perhaps wait till the end of April for...
April Spotlight is OUT
The Spotlight magazine for April is ready to read. It is a testament to the amazing place we live! We are all in this together.
Better Together – Helping one another
Sarratt Parish Council (SPC), Sarratt & Chipperfield Community Foundation (SCCF), Sarratt Care, Sarratt Community Post Office Store The above organisations are here to help and are co-ordinating help if needed. Sarratt Care – 01923 270577 – Monday to Friday 10am...
No swings just now but we do have an alternative for our young ones….
At 3:00 pm everyday Monday to Friday this week team niix we will be running a free live 15-minute exercise class on Instagram for children of all ages! As parents we will be under a huge amount of stress and pressure in the weeks to come. However, I will be here,...