Nia is New in Sarratt – Every Monday in the Village Hall
Gentle and Seated Exercise Class With Michele Kaye First Degree Black Belt Nia Teacher At Sarratt Village Hall (Rear Hall) Mondays 10.30-11.30 Course dates: March - 15th April then starting again from 29th April till end of May . Cost £10 for first session. Offer -...
Progress with the New Churchyard Extension
Around 15 helpful Sarratt people arrived this morning at Holy Cross Churchyard to start planting the new hedge that will secure the boundary to the new churchyard extension. The holes were dug and the sapling whips were put in. Planted along the fenceline was a good...
Sarratt Community Cafe is popping up again Monday 11th of February
If you are free on Monday the 11th of February from 2:15pm then pop into the new Community Cafe! We would love to see you, the coffee & cakes are fab! xxx In the week of Valentines we have some lovely ideas to share. x
New kissing gates for the New Churchyard
The Sarrat Parish Council have been busy again updating the gates in our Parish. Two new gates for all to enjoy. The picture on the right is of the enlarged gate at the rear of The Cock pub where access is from the road on the bend. This gate is especially helpful...
What is this I Hare???
Suprise snowfall on Tuesday afternoon gave some Sarratt residents the opportunity to enjoy the snow scenes and others the simple nightmare of tackling snowy roads. North Hill was a no go!! Poles hill the same and for some it meant a snowy walk home from work and their...
Sarratt STAG outing…
Hello and welcome to the second season of Sarratt Youth Group, or STAG as it's now officially known. Last Sunday afternoon twelve intrepid explorers and some volunteer leaders took off to Borehamwood for a very energetic afternoon. They turned up at Go Jump and the...
Misty morning in October…
October and the enchanting Sarratt valley early one morning this week.
Sarratt welcomes Disabled Ramblers, the Chess Valley IS open to all ….
I should first explain that I am permanently disabled and use a mobility scooter to access the countryside; as a member of Disabled Ramblers ( a national organisation helping mobility impaired people to access the countryside) I have made several unsuccessful attempts...
On the Buses …
Jenks Everyone smiles when they see Jenks bus. Whether you are a passenger or bystander, the sight of Jenks sedately driving along gets everyone’s attention, and many happy grins. As the engine revs up, it creates a throaty sound, one that modern vehicles can’t match....
September Sarratt Sunrise…
Thank you for sharing this stunning shot! If you are a keen photographer and have some great shots to share with us all, then please do send them in: Just email your jpeg images of Sarratt to: [email protected].