Sarratt walkers ….

Sarratt walkers ….

There are many things that make our village special and they come in many guises – our own brewery, no less than three great pubs, a well-stocked, community-run village shop and a mysterious link to John Le Carre’s spy school (more of this in another blog!) to name a...

“Thank you  Sarratt Cubs”

“Thank you Sarratt Cubs”

If you happen to take a stroll through the Sarratt allotment then do pause to take a look at the beautiful wild flowers that have grown up this summer.  A few months ago the Cubs put some time and effort into sowing the seeds. The fruit of their labour is wonderful to...

What a wonderful day!!!

What a wonderful day!!!

 Sarratt rocks!!!! What a wonderful day we all had on Sunday June 10th!    We must say a huge "Thank you"  to Roger Dudley our ringmaster and Will Hobhouse who was the man behind it all, Sarratt's 2018 High Sheriff of Hertfordshire.       THANK YOU SARRATT PEOPLE FOR...