Sarratt Neighbourhood Plan
The working group formed to produce the Neighbourhood Plan is now actively developing its plans and making its first contacts with local organisations and residents.
The Plan will be produced with consideration to the needs of all residents and businesses in the Parish of Sarratt, now and in the future and will seek to protect and improve the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of the area and all those residing and working in it.
It is important to note that it will define policies that must be taken into account by TRDC in considering planning applications, but it will not concern itself with the consideration of any specific sites for development.
Key to the success of the production of a Plan will be the involvement of residents. Over the next 9 months, the Working Group will talk to as many residents as they can, so that the Plan represents a genuine consensus of views from the Parish.
It will not be the Working Group’s Plan. It will be the residents’ Plan.
Please help us make this a meaningful exercise.
We will be sending out regular updates through Spotlight and the Parish website.
Our meetings are open to the public, next meeting 22 July in the back room of the Village Hall.
Look out for the consultation exercises we will be running and Get Involved. Thank you
Working Group members – John Carter (Chair), Clare Bennett, Tony Bond, Lee Gilmour, Will Hobhouse, Anthony Soothill.
The Localism Act 2012 gives communities the legal right to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan that will set out policies to direct development and the use of land in a parish or neighbourhood area. At their meeting on 18 December 2018, the Parish Council voted in favour of the production of a neighbourhood plan for the Parish of Sarratt.
It also decided that an independent, community-led working group would be formed to produce the Neighbourhood Plan, sponsored by the Parish Council, to which the Working Group would report. The group is, rather laboriously, called the Sarratt Parish Neighbourhood Plan Working Group.
Purpose and Aims
These are the underlying principles behind the Neighbourhood Plan: