The Friends of Holy Cross raise funds to help preserve Holy Cross Church for the benefit of future generations and keep it in good repair for all to enjoy its peace and beauty, to worship and receive comfort and inspiration from within its ancient walls. To find out more please copy the link into your browser. https://www.friendsofholycross.co.uk/ Read more…
SARRATT CARE Caring for the community of Sarratt SARRATT CARE, an entirely voluntary organization, was launched in 1991 to give a helping hand to the people of Sarratt of all ages, well or infirm. It has grown from small beginnings to currently having over 110 regular clients helped in the following ways: COFFEE CORNER Our Coffee Corner coffee mornings are Read more…
We are a friendly local club based at King George V playing fields in the tranquil village of Sarratt. We have 2 floodlit hard surface Macadam courts. Sarratt Tennis Club arranges a variety of tournaments and social events throughout the year. All members are invited to participate regardless of ability. Contact: Jackie Youell, [email protected] Or visit our website : www.sarratttennisclub.co.uk Read more…
Sarratt Horticultural Society has over 200 members across the Parish. Contact us at: [email protected] or visit our website at:  www.sarratthorti.co.uk We hold two Shows each year in the village hall – Spring and Autumn when members can enter a range of classes covering: Flowers Vegetables Flower Arrangements Cookery Arts & Crafts Plus children and grandchildren of members can enter in Read more…
The Grey Knights is a group of Sarratt villagers who manage and maintain a lovely 1932 Bedford WLB single deck bus and a 1979 Bedford minibus known to everyone as Bubbles. The 1932 bus was owned by a former villager, Dennis Jenks, who was known as the White Knight for all the fundraising he did on behalf of village organisations Read more…