Hi I’m junior Journalist Alf

All I ever do in lockdown is dream of seeing all my friends, do my work, go on my trampoline and play on my gaming console with my friends. Lately me and Mum have been baking some yummy food and we just made some nutella brownies but they got burned in the oven! I don’t think they taste that bad. They are quite nice if you ask me.

I don’t mind lockdown at all because I got a brand new laptop because of it so I can do my home learning… and I’m writing to you on it now!

I’m on the vulnerable list which means that I have to shield for 12 weeks. It hasn’t been easy but it’s easier to stay at home than go out and risk my life. My uncle and cousin are still working, my uncle is a police officer and my cousin, who is 18, works for the NHS and they risk their lives every day to save other people. Thank you to them and to every other key worker who is risking their life to keep us safe. Also I want to say a big thank you to the teachers for planning lessons for us at home, I’m really thankful.

I hope you are keeping safe and listening to Boris!

From Alf Pinner

And what does Jude do all day?

I start my day with P.E. with Joe with mum + dad which is 30 minutes, then I do the work that Mrs Dames sets me.

I found some of the work difficult so I rang my Auntie who’s a teacher in Leicester who’s my mum’s sister.
I’ve been reading my book to my Grandma every day from monday to friday on facetime because she lives in Leicester.

In the afternoons after I’ve done all my work i do some projects with my Dad and then I play on the trampoline with my sisters (I’ve only got two,one’s 15 the other is 14)

At the beginning of lockdown we planted some vegetables at the back of our garden, we planted: peas, carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, parsnips, cabbage, leeks, onions, beetroot, pepper, beans, tomatoes and rocket these are growing really well after 9 weeks we have to water them every day.
One of the projects that I’ve done with my Dad was we made a remote control boat which is REALLY FAST we tried it in the bath and on our patio it worked REALLY well. We also bought some remote control cars we have ordered one that hasn’t arrived yet and when it arrives we have to build it.I have also enjoyed:the trampoline, bananagram (which is a word game), piano, cooking, reading, holding our guinea pigs Freddy + Nigel and relaxing.

I like lockdown because i can do a lot more stuff.
