Sustainability Sarratt
Many of us are trying to make an effort in our daily lives to protect the climate but one “Sarratter” has really made a major effort. He is Mike Lewis of Micklefield Green Farm who bought at his own expense over 500 trees and shrubs and single-handedly planted them throughout last winter on his land.
Our wonderful shop continues to provide us with an excellent service and has recently sold produce that was grown in the back garden. It really was not that long ago that the garden was overgrown and full of rubbish. Now it is full of various vegetables which will shortly be ready to sell in the shop. Many thanks to everyone who has helped and, hopefully, will continue to help combating the weeds which are growing as fast, if not faster, than the vegetables!!!
I have tried to get someone from Thames Water to attend a meeting in the village hall in September to discuss and take questions about the sewage in the River Chess but to date no answer. Phil Williams from Three Rivers has agreed to attend if we can get someone from Thames Water but they really do not want to know!
Alan Milson