Sarratt Care

Sarratt Care

In the village hall on Monday 21st August at 12:30 Call – Jacky Creed on 519975
Sarratt Wildlife volunteers

Sarratt Wildlife volunteers

In August we shall tackle one of our most important tasks, that of raking up the cut grass on the north end of Sarratt Green. We really do need extra helpers with this, so if you can spare a couple of hours on Sunday morning August 13th, please do come along to help....
Sarratt Parish Council Meeting

Sarratt Parish Council Meeting

The next Sarratt Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 8 August at 7:30 pm, in the Rear room of the Sarratt Village hall. Members of the public are very welcome to attend. Why not come along and find out what is going on in our Parish. You are most...
the WI inspiring women

the WI inspiring women

Sarratt WI  Why not give us a try, ladies, come and join in the fun. See you at 2:15 at Sarratt Village Hall on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, you will be given a warm welcome plus tea and cake ! A lovely friendly way to spend an afternoon. Or phone Leone for more...
Bucks Art Weeks

Bucks Art Weeks

Five local artists are showing their work together in historic Little Sarratt Hall Barn as part of Bucks Art Weeks. Contemporary ceramics, paintings, printmaking, jewellery and hand-crafted furniture will be on show. The artists will be available to chat to visitors....