February garden tips…

February garden tips…

February usually sees the first signs of spring, Snowdrops beginning to open, some early crocus and daffodils pushing through the soil and perhaps warm days and Sunshine???   So, what to do? …  find the wellies and clear up after the floods and wind. Very early...
Community garden news

Community garden news

Nature Blog – Community Garden As we come into 2021, the Community Garden is looking beautifully prepared and inviting. Fabulous volunteers have created beds for veg, flowers and fruit, with woodchip paths in between. We sowed a green manure –‘phacelia’ to keep hold...
January 2021 Garden hints

January 2021 Garden hints

New year, new day, new restrictions, except we can still get out into the garden, well, when the weather allows!! So, continue to stock up on seeds and plants, or at least put them on order.  Early potatoes are in garden centres now, so do not delay. At the end of the...
River Chess Alert

River Chess Alert

The River Chess is again very polluted and may have a real detrimental effect effect on human and animal health. Such a disaster and outrage that this keeps happening.  
December garden tips

December garden tips

Why we celebrate New Year on January 1st has always puzzled me.  The solstice is on (usually) the 21st of  December (and winter does not start till the 21 December anyway) after which the days get longer.  That is all plants are concerned with, longer days and warmth...