Chalk streams

Chalk streams

Chalk streams are a characteristic and attractive feature of the Chilterns landscape. They are also a globally rare habitat, confined to north west Europe and to the UK in particular. In fact more than 85% of all the chalk streams in the world, are found in England....
Sustainable Sarratt and the River Chess update from Alan

Sustainable Sarratt and the River Chess update from Alan

I have recently received an email from Sarah Bentley who is the new CEO at Thames Water. She has recently visited the River Chess at various places and appreciates why the health of  the river is so important to everyone. She has accepted our request for a few local...
November Garden Tips….

November Garden Tips….

Ahh,   November,  nothing more to do in the garden, just pull up the chair and read all the gardening books you bought during lockdown but never read. Far from it, there is still time to plant Tulips, even Daffodils ,clear out the pond, one can go on and on. With the...
Project to benefit All

Project to benefit All

SARRATT COMMUNITY GARDEN The garden behind the shop is a big space which has been used for very different purposes over the years. Given the central role the shop plays in village life we have put together a small group who wish to create a Community Garden. This will...
Sarratt Parakeets….

Sarratt Parakeets….

Just recently, in fact the last few days a new flock has been swooping and screeching over the fields and trees of the Church end of Church lane.  They are pretty and fun to watch but I thought they lived in Hampstead! It seems Sarratt is now the new place to fly. I...