Community Garden Project … progress!!

Community Garden Project … progress!!

All hands to the deck, or should we say all hands to the dig??  One thing is for sure, many hands make light work and fun for all! Even if it is raining cats and dogs… The community garden project has come on leaps and bounds this week. The before and after...
October Garden hints

October Garden hints

Is there an upside to Covid19?    Yes, one of which is a growing appreciation of the great outdoors.  Also gardening, in all its forms is having a renaissance! It has been a good growing year so far and there are plants that can still be planted for Christmas and the...
The River Chess – Pollution solutions …

The River Chess – Pollution solutions …

Interesting timing of this press release!! The day of our Community meeting to address these issues! Good News!!   Press Release River Chess Association Established 2009 Affinity Announces turning off the Pumps Affinity Water have ended abstraction from their two...
Our River Chess – Pollution and Solution

Our River Chess – Pollution and Solution

I am pleased to announce that the Sustainability director of Thames Water has agreed to attend a public meeting to be held in the village hall on the evening of Friday 25 September at 7.00. Also Phil Williams (Three Rivers Councillor responsible for environmental...
Top tips for your September garden

Top tips for your September garden

Hello! Now September is with us keep picking and preserving (freeze, bottle, jam, etc.) all the delicious products you grew during the year. As the plants go over, dig up and burn any infected ones, the rest go into the compost bin. Keep making layers of grass and...