Pints of View – March

Pints of View – March

Our March Pints of View get-together at the Plough, Belsize will be held on Monday 18th of March , beginning at 8pm.  Our March Pints of View get-together at the Plough, Belsize will be held on Monday 18th of March, beginning at 8pm. Our March Pints of View...
Sarratt Horticultural Society

Sarratt Horticultural Society

Membership subs for Sarratt Horti Society are due in January. Our shows will be on the 6th of April and 14th of September and we hope to organise garden visits and speakers throughout the year. The subscription is £3 per adult or £5 for a household and can be left at...
Annual Sarratt Village Hall Grand Quiz Night

Annual Sarratt Village Hall Grand Quiz Night

In aid of funds for and to be held in SARRATT VILLAGE HALL Saturday 20th January  7:00 for 7:30 pm prompt start Try to win The Peter and Trish Clements Cup  Preferably, each table consist of up to 10 people. Each table to bring their own Picnic Supper A Licensed...
Sarratt Horticultural Society

Gardeners Question Time

GQT came to Sarratt Village Hall in November. What a great evening it was! Gardeners Question time is on Radio 4 every Friday at 3pm and repeated the following Sunday at 2pm. You can pick up back recordings of GQT on BBC sounds. There will be no excuse for missing the...
Holy Cross Church & Sarratt Primary School

Holy Cross Church & Sarratt Primary School

You are all invited to our Walking Nativity – Friday 15th and Saturday 16th December – 9:30 am to 3:30 pm Discover the characters of the Nativity around the village…  Hear the fantastic singing of our children …. Be sure not to wake the baby...
Our Junior Journalists Are Back!!

Our Junior Journalists Are Back!!

We are back! Welcome to our new Junior Journalists… Introducing: Rafi, Darcy and Dylan. Hello, my name is Rafi and I have been nominated as a year 5 junior journalist. Being a junior journalist is an amazing opportunity you can do everything from writing blogs to...