Sarratt Parakeets….

Sarratt Parakeets….

Just recently, in fact the last few days a new flock has been swooping and screeching over the fields and trees of the Church end of Church lane.  They are pretty and fun to watch but I thought they lived in Hampstead! It seems Sarratt is now the new place to fly. I...
Basil one of our favourite herbs

Basil one of our favourite herbs

3 ways to use our Head Chef’s favourite herb With a plentiful supply of fresh herbs, fruit and vegetables, Jemima’s Kitchen Garden provides the ingredients for many of our dishes at The Glasshouse. For cooking at home though, our Executive Head Chef Stephen Wheeler...
Community Garden Project … progress!!

Community Garden Project … progress!!

All hands to the deck, or should we say all hands to the dig??  One thing is for sure, many hands make light work and fun for all! Even if it is raining cats and dogs… The community garden project has come on leaps and bounds this week. The before and after...
Sarratt Care News, Covid update and more

Sarratt Care News, Covid update and more

SARRATT CARE Caring for the community of Sarratt SARRATT CARE was launched in 1991 to give a helping hand to the people of Sarratt of all ages, well or infirm. It has grown from small beginnings to currently having over 110 regular clients being helped in the...
Local Heroes …. A few days left to Vote !!!

Local Heroes …. A few days left to Vote !!!

Have you been a local Hero?  Do you know someone who has ?  In the last few months during the pandemic we have all had to endure the most testing of times!!  Is there an individual or a business that you think has gone above and beyond to help out in our community ??...
New Community Garden – Can You Help???

New Community Garden – Can You Help???

Sarratt Community Garden – MONDAY 19TH OCTOBER – Can You Help??? We start on Monday the 19th of October with the clearing of this year’s crop and preparation for the winter and next spring. We have sessions planned for Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st of...