Litter Picking for the Greater Good

Litter Picking for the Greater Good

What a load of Rubbish! Michael Groom. A clearly exasperated Michael Groom reports: Back in March 2018, I decided to spend a week litter picking in and around the Parish of Sarratt. Two and a half years later the headline numbers are @10,000 cans/bottles/ and take...
October Garden hints

October Garden hints

Is there an upside to Covid19?    Yes, one of which is a growing appreciation of the great outdoors.  Also gardening, in all its forms is having a renaissance! It has been a good growing year so far and there are plants that can still be planted for Christmas and the...
Important local Corona virus update

Important local Corona virus update

Joint statement from Cllr Tim Hutchings, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Prevention at Hertfordshire County Council, and Cllr Sarah Nelmes, Leader of Three Rivers District Council: We can confirm that COVID-19 infection rates in the district of Three Rivers have...
October issue of Sarratt Spotlight is out now

October issue of Sarratt Spotlight is out now

Sarratt Spotlight is ready to read here online. Just click on Spotlight in the header of this page. To share your news or articles with Spotlight for November make sure you send it in before the deadline of the 18th of October to: ...
The River Chess – Pollution solutions …

The River Chess – Pollution solutions …

Interesting timing of this press release!! The day of our Community meeting to address these issues! Good News!!   Press Release River Chess Association Established 2009 Affinity Announces turning off the Pumps Affinity Water have ended abstraction from their two...