August Spotlight is here.

August Spotlight is here.

Where did July fly to ??? Click on Spotlight in the header of this page to read. Enjoy! Thank you to Nick Mortimer for continuing to take fabulous photos for us.
Sustainability Sarratt

Sustainability Sarratt

Sustainability Sarratt Many of us are trying to make an effort in our daily lives to protect the climate but one “Sarratter” has really made a major effort. He is Mike Lewis of Micklefield Green Farm who bought at his own expense over 500 trees and shrubs and...
Fabulous Photos of Sarratt

Fabulous Photos of Sarratt

If you are a keen photographer why not share your photos of the Parish landscape with us all. Just title it ‘Loved Landscape’ and send it to: [email protected] Look forward to sharing the photos. Thank you to Nick M for these images of an early morning...
Cocktail Hour: Elderflower Collins

Cocktail Hour: Elderflower Collins

During the summer months, our grounds at The Grove truly come to life. Whether it be the unfurling of vibrant blooms, the gentle hum of busy bees or a warm breeze scented with notes of elderflower – it’s sure to excite all the senses. So, when it comes to creating the...
A simple form to fill in, do it here.

A simple form to fill in, do it here.

Community Message ~ Council Survey We have been asked by Three Rivers Council to send out the details of the Environmental Forum Terms of Reference survey.  Environmental Forum – Have Your Say The Council wishes to ensure that the general public, voluntary and...