Jul 5, 2020 | Nature Blog, News
2020 continues to throw surprises at us, almost unknown to have cherries, pea’s, broad beans, redcurrants and more all in fine form and taste at the end of June. Lovely, but the freezer is already getting full. So what to do in July? Keep picking and eating and...
Jun 29, 2020 | Nature Blog, News
When will this polluting STOP? June 2020 To those with the ability to make a difference, I am writing to you out of deep concern for the health of the beautiful River Chess. I have been appalled to discover that under certain circumstances the sewage at the Chesham...
Jun 28, 2020 | Nature Blog, News
Sustainability Sarratt River Chess Barnaby Jackson has been following the issues of untreated sewage in our local river – The Chess. Just to remind everyone, the sewage problem arises from the treatment plant in Chesham which gets over whelmed with rain water, foul...
Jun 28, 2020 | Neighbourhood Plan, News
Neighbourhood Plan Tony Bond (on behalf of the Committee) Photo Call!! We remain in limbo as to when we may be able to commence meaningful consultation with parishioners. At our next meeting we will be discussing how we may be able to progress despite the current...
Jun 26, 2020 | Events, News
It is such a pity that our Village isn’t gathering together to celebrate Village day today as planned due to the virus. 2018 was a such a special day and the weather was so kind to us all. Maybe another year we can gather together and have another village day....