Learnt to fly….

Learnt to fly….

Lock down lunacy will have touched us all at some point or another in the past 12 weeks.  Huxley (super dog in photo!) generally spends his days sharing the love with who ever he meets on his walks in Sarratt. He loves to say hi to all his canine and human friends....
Flower Festival virtual style!

Flower Festival virtual style!

Normally during this week the “Flowery Girls” would have been very busy as for many years they have worked with the Friends of Holy Cross to organise the Flower Festival on the last weekend of June to raise funds to maintain our beautiful 12th century church. Due to...
Sarratt Ducklings are back …

Sarratt Ducklings are back …

On 1st June 2020, Ducklings opened it’s doors once more to a small number of children, and have created a bubble of eight children.  They have all been amazing in adapting to our new routines and have bonded well as a group.  We are also keeping in touch with...