Gardens and April

Gardens and April

The old saying that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Not a bad comment for this year. As far as garden work goes, this is the month when practically anything can be sown outside that is of a hardy nature, perhaps wait till the end of April for...
April Spotlight is OUT

April Spotlight is OUT

The Spotlight magazine for April is ready to read.  It is a testament to the amazing place we live! We are all in this together.
Better Together – Helping one another

Better Together – Helping one another

Sarratt Parish Council (SPC),  Sarratt & Chipperfield Community Foundation (SCCF),  Sarratt Care, Sarratt Community Post Office Store The above organisations are here to help and are co-ordinating help if needed. Sarratt Care – 01923 270577 – Monday to Friday 10am...
New Opening Times for our Community Post office & Store

New Opening Times for our Community Post office & Store

Please note new trading hours as from today 25th March Shop Open from : 8:00 am  till  4:00 pm Post Office:  9:00 am – 3:00 pm We are practicing Social Distancing so just two at a time in the store please! Thanks, Grainger, Tracey and Jane. words of...
Volunteers and new changes for movement!

Volunteers and new changes for movement!

Hi everyone, Thanks so much to all of you for volunteering to help our community over the last week  – we have been overwhelmed by the response, with over 40 of you having made offers of support in just a few days. However, we realise that in the light of the...