January Community Cafe is on Monday 13th!

January Community Cafe is on Monday 13th!

The Pop Up Community Cafe Will be popping up again for January 2020 on Monday the 13th of January. We have no idea how on earth we could improve on the December cakes …  but perhaps we all might like a healthier option for Jan just to redress the balance after...
New Year subscriptions for Sarratt Horti’

New Year subscriptions for Sarratt Horti’

SARRATT  HORTICULTURAL  SOCIETY Subscriptions of £3 for the 2020 year are now due and our Collectors will be out visiting existing members but you can also renew in the Village Shop after 7th January. We are always keen to welcome new members and you can join either...
Sarratt’s Crib service at our 12th Century Church

Sarratt’s Crib service at our 12th Century Church

The tradition of coming to the Crib service on Christmas Eve in Sarratt is always a very special time for families. It is such a delight to be surrounded by excited children waiting for Santa’s sleigh to fly into Sarratt. The 12th Century Church of Holy Cross...
Sarratt Village Hall

Sarratt Village Hall

Sarratt Village Hall AGM is Monday 6 January 2020 at 8 pm. Sarratt Village Hall is incorporated as a Charitable Trust and run by a Management Committee of volunteers, both elected and from local organisations. Every year the committee holds an AGM to report on the...
Canine report for the end of the year ….

Canine report for the end of the year ….

Looking forward to extra walks when our human friends have overeaten and then get into strange New Year regimes that never last! Reflecting on my canine friends in 2019 there have been some amazing stories where man and beast have united. My best read was shared by...