STAG report (Sarratt Teens Activity Group)

STAG report (Sarratt Teens Activity Group)

STAG visited Go Jump on Sunday the 12th of May. 14 children attended and had a fantastic time in the almost empty trampoline centre. Sunday evening seems to be the time to visit. The team will be picking litter around Sarratt on the 19th of May… followed by...
Progress with the New Churchyard Extension

Progress with the New Churchyard Extension

Around 15 helpful Sarratt people arrived this morning at Holy Cross Churchyard to start planting the new hedge that will secure the boundary to the new churchyard extension. The holes were dug and the sapling whips were put in. Planted along the fenceline was a good...
New kissing gates for the New Churchyard

New kissing gates for the New Churchyard

 The Sarrat Parish Council have been busy again updating the gates in our Parish. Two new gates for all to enjoy.  The picture on the right is of the enlarged gate at the rear of The Cock pub where access is from the road on the bend. This gate is especially helpful...