We had been planning to have an outdoor Crib Service in Sarratt, and an outdoor Carol service in Chipperfield on Christmas Eve, both at 3pm, but in light of the move to Tier 4 we feel that it would be ill-advised to proceed, so
unfortunately these WILL NOT now be going ahead.

However, all is not lost – Carols will be broadcast from St Paul’s Churchyard on Christmas Eve, between the hours of 3pm and 5pm (approx.) during which time the crib will be lit up. If you are out taking a walk, pause for a moment, say a prayer, and take a socially distanced close-up look at the crib. Please enter St Paul’s Churchyard via the car park
gates and exiting via the lych-gate. We would be happy for you to bring along a shepherd, angel or king to have their picture taken beside the magnificent crib!