Community Garden, December Update

There’s nothing growing above ground this month (though hopefully things are happening beneath). Bulbs are in, paths are re-chipped, dahlias are cut down, beds are mulched and tools are put away. Two excitements this month have been the delivery and installation of a second 5000litre water tank, which will be connected to the first, and of a new shed at the bottom of the garden, which, unlike its predecessor, will be watertight! These have both been funded by grants – the tank by the Watford and Three Rivers Trust, and the shed by the Sustainable Hertfordshire Fund, which matched a crowdfunding campaign to the tune of £1000. I am so very grateful, as these types of purchases are just so expensive, and beyond what we can generate through sales.

I thought you might like a few statistics to keep you amused over Christmas..

This year, the CG has sold (amongst other things):

 662 bunches of flowers

582 pots of jam

547 bags of salad

35 bunches of rhubarb

 1 punnet of figs

52 people have been involved in some capacity.

10 cubic metres of compost has been made.

17 interns from Mission EmployAble have gained work experience and skills.

8000 litres of water has been used (all rainwater, don’t worry)

650 cups of tea have been drunk

One wedding was provided with flowers

Youngest visitors : Sarratt Ducklings

Oldest Visitors: U3A gardening Group

Most welcome visitors: ladybirds

Least welcome visitors: badgers.

Worst Moment: intense dry heat of July

Best moment: Smiling, motivated interns from Mission EmployAble