Once again, the start of this walk is The Cricketers Pub but we are heading in a North-Easterly direction towards Chipperfield taking in some of the area’s finest pubs (stoppages not obligatory but recommended!).
Check out the time-lapse video:
Head away from the pub across the road to the right taking immediately the first left George V Way. Head down to the Park Gates but don’t go in, take the little dark footpath that runs to the left of the main gates. This takes you down past the Tennis Courts, keep heading downhill past the Christmas tree fields and the horses to the small road that is Bottom Lane.
Take a left then immediately a right uphill. About 30 paces up the hill there is a path into the woods on your right. You can take this or stick to the road as it takes you up to The Cart & Horses (pub #2). If you choose the woody path it loops you back up onto the road at the Tudor Folly that is “Commonwood House” (it was built by a printer in 1932) if you keep left.
Take the left as you pass The Cart and Horses and just as the road turns left 200 yards further up watch for a kissing gate on your right. Take this path through more horse fields towards Chipperfield Woods where you arrive at Apostles Pond. This wood is big enough to be a splendour in all seasons (especially autumn) but small enough not to get too lost in. As you arrive at the edge of the woods you see you have a choice: i. Be safe and take the main path to your left or ii. be bold and strike out through the centre of the woods.
i. This track hugs the edge of the woods and after about a quarter of a mile you will see a kissing gate on your left among thick laurel bushes at the intersection of one of the main tracks joining from your right.
ii. Keeping the pond to your left, swing round it and head left through the woods down a splendid wide avenue of pines and oaks. Watch for two tracks on your left; the first takes you past the the well-known Spanish Chestnut (it’s 600 years old!) the second, only 20 yards further on is a main drag through the woods, running left and right – take a left here and walk down to the kissing gate referred to above.

The slope down to Bottom Lane on the way home.

The only Tudor House to be built in 1932.
Leave the woods and head past more horses taking the track that leads you to the stables at Hillmead Farm. Walk right into the farmyard past the stables and take the iron gate into the meadows on the left of the farmhouse. Stick to the fence through this and the next field down to Bottom Lane. Cross the road shifting slightly right to see a steep path heading up to your left. Follow this path (steep climb) up to the top which brings you to the main Sarratt road “The Green”. Take a left here to cross the full extent of the Village Green past the old Wheatsheaf Pub (now a private residence) and The Boot (still very much a pub!) arriving at The Cricketers for your well earned rest.