Join Us – Together with other leaders of small and medium-sized businesses, you will be supported to make a meaningful change to improve your wellbeing at work and at home.

Beginning  February – March  we will meet virtually every fortnight from 7-9pm. There will be 7 sessions in all, with the final session being 4 May.


Founders and C-Suite leaders from small and medium sized businesses will meet fortnightly to lay the foundations of good mental health. In the face of the pandemic and unprecedented challenges for SMEs, we will thrive by taking care of ourselves and our people. We will emerge with life-changing habits in four domains: sleep, nutrition, exercise and relaxation.

HIVE will be buzzing with people from many industries across the UK, but after the first session, you will settle into a cell of 6 people of your choosing. You will get to know each other very well – you may even leave the HIVE with long-lasting new friendships.

Together you will strive towards your wellbeing goal; either sleep, nutrition, exercise or relaxation –the foundations for mental and physical wellbeing. As we move into spring, you will feel better, stronger, sharper, more creative and productive, and all of your colleagues and clients will see it.

Do you know which goal you will choose? Please take 1 minute to complete this stocktake. (Literally,it will only take a minute.)

Do Stocktake


HIVE is designed with the help of the UK’s foremost clinical experts on peer support and delivered by two dynamite facilitators.

Far from being a free programme, a significant investment has been made by our sponsors at Legal & General to bring you this opportunity.

Your place, however, is completely funded, so all you have to do is show up at every session, commit to yourself and your peers, and pay it forward by bringing healthier habits back to your workplace for the benefit of others.

If you know of other SME leaders and entrepreneurs who would benefit from this programme, please share it with them — there is still time to apply.

Best wishes,

The Minds@Work Team

We’re a registered charity in England and Wales – no. 1186067