Neighbourhood Plan
Tony Bond (on behalf of the Committee)
Photo Call!!
We remain in limbo as to when we may be able to commence meaningful consultation with parishioners. At our next meeting we will be discussing how we may be able to progress despite the current restrictions.In the meanwhile, to get some feedback on people’s views, it occurred to us that we could ask for pictures of the views in the parish that you particularly value, be they vistas, buildings, woods or whatever.
These may have a particular significance for the Plan in the context of Local Green Space designation. This enables communities to identify and protect areas that are of value to them through neighbourhood plans. The criteria are-
- The land has to be ‘reasonably close to the community it serves’ – the land must not be isolated from the community.
- The land has to be ‘demonstrably special to a local community’ – it must fulfil one or more of the following criteria: Beauty, Historic Significance, Recreational value, Tranquillity and Richness of wildlife
- The land needs to be ‘local in character, not an extensive tract of land’.
This would add another layer of local protection; even where we already have significant protection from development (e.g. Green Belt, etc). Local Green Space designation would make it clear those areas that are of particular importance to the community – obvious examples, KGV Field and the Green.Please therefore let us have your photos with a brief note as to why this view is important to you. And please encourage other family members & friends to join in.
Send in your photos to [email protected] or simply hand them to one of the committee:
John Carter (Chair), Clare Bennett, Tony Bond, Lee Gilmour, Will Hobhouse, Anthony Soothill