Hello from Junior Journalist Ava

Hello from Junior Journalist Ava

Hello, Ava here (Junior Journalist)   I hope you are all well and trying to stay positive in our 3rd lockdown. I just want to say how I feel about home learning and what I enjoy about it and what I dislike about it, plus much more . When I am doing home learning I...

Small Acts of Kindness

Small Acts of Kindness

Hi, Junior Journalists here Last week, Thursday 10th  December, we went out to deliver bags to the elderly in Sarratt. We filled their hearts and brought plenty of smiles. They looked very grateful when we gave them their bags to help them get through the Winter. They...

Meet Our New Junior Journalists

Meet Our New Junior Journalists

Introducing our Junior Journalists this year from Sarratt School: Ava - "Hi, my name is Ava. I always try to make space in my day to write about what I did, even if it's just a couple of sentences. So, I am looking forward to writing a blog for the people who want to...

At Home for the foreseeable …..

At Home for the foreseeable …..

I’m junior journalist Alf, and right now I’m home because I have very bad asthma so my doctor said I can’t go to school because of the corona virus. So I will write a blog here at home. •Back at school, we were learning about the best way to wash your hands. Mrs...

Junior Journalists Out & About in our Village

Junior Journalists Out & About in our Village

On the 9th September, we, the Junior Journalists, went to the Pop-up café in the village hall. We met many new people, including Angela, who is in charge of making sure our extraordinary blogs get put on this website! If it weren’t for Angela’s amazing work, you...

We welcome our new Junior Journalists

We welcome our new Junior Journalists

Hi I am Rosanna. I like horse riding and swimming. My favourite subject at school is English. I am looking forward to being a Junior Journalist and helping the community. Hello my name is Jude. I like football, cycling, doing art and helping the community and going on...

Gymnastics and Junior Journalists

Gymnastics and Junior Journalists

Niamh Keane Sarratt School had a visitor: Niamh Keane, an Aerobic Gymnast. Niamh has a tumor behind her right eye which swells up every once in a while and there is nothing that can fix it, but she still strives to be the best that she can be. She competed in national...